Botanical Name: Dryobalanops\nThe sapwood ranges from almost white to yellow-brown and is clearly distinct from the heartwood. Heartwood is red or red-brown.
Botanical Name: Eucalyptus diversicolor\nThe heartwood varies from rich reddish browns through to pale pinks with the sapwood being a clearly distinguishable light yellow. \n
Botanical Name: Koompassia\nThe heartwood is pink when freshly cut, darkening to a deep orange-brown to red brown after exposure. Sapwood is pale yellow to pink-brown and distinct from heartwood.
Botanical Name: Dipterocarpus\nThe heartwood varies between species but is most commonly red-brown. Variations include deep-pink, orange-pink and purple-red.
Botanical Name: Intsia bijuga\nThe heartwood is yellowish-brown or orange-brown when first cut, turning darker with age to brown or reddish-brown. The sapwood is white, pale yellow or buff and sharply.