Cherry Mahogany Timber Flooring Sydney Australia
Cherry Mahogany Timber has a subtle red to blush undertone, and is highly density hardwood that shows an interesting gum vein feature, which combined with its tight interlocking grain makes it a species that is ideally suited for both contemporary and traditional style.
Growing in the coastal regions of New South Wales, Cherry Mahogany is a large Australian Hardwood that grows around 35 meters in height.
Cherry MahoganyTimber Flooring has a tight interlocking grain pattern with interesting veins and features.
Cherry Mahogany Timber Flooring has a Janka Hardness of 8.8
Flooring Grades Description
Select Grade: (to AS 2796)
The features that are present are relatively small and few in number. Irrespective of the species the features although visible do not dominate the appearance of the floor.
Standard Grade: (Medium Feature/Standard Grade to AS 2796)
This grade contains boards that may be moderately featured. Where gum veins are more prevalent in a species, considerably more character is provided to the floor and may look quite dominant in light coloured species. Species in this grade with less gum vein may appear more lightly featured due to smaller features bring prevalent such as those from previous borer activity.
Feature Grade: (High Feature Grade to AS 2796)
In many respects this grade can look similar to standard grade but with features a little more frequent and dominant.
Prestige Grade: (Used for 180mm Boards & Wider)
Combines the features of Select and Standard grade to provide a floor with more character than a Select Grade floor.
Rustic Grade: Used for 180mm Boards & Wider)
Full featured to provide an old world charm. It may contain features that are more prominent than feature grade but with the structural integrity of a feature grade floor